Silly,one of East Germany's leading Rock bands was founded in East Berlin in the late 70s. Tamara Danz, the lead singer was an instance hit in East Germany and it did not take long until they were well known in other countries of the Eastern block  and some western countries. Their lyrics were very poetic and took a critical look at every day life in East Germany. After 1989 (the opening of the inner German border) Silly toured succesfully around Europe. Tragically Tamara Danz died in 1996  at the age of 44 of breast cancer. The band reformed a few years later and tours occasionally with a new singer.
Mont Klamott is the title track of Silly's 1983 album and was a massive hit in East Germany.
Mont Klamott is the account of a conversation between two women on a park bench (auf der Bank). The younger one thanks Berlin's city fathers (die Vaeter dieserStadt) for the hill (ne gruene Beule). For the younger narrating woman the area is no more than a place to catch some fresh air (Dass unsereins 'n bissel frische Luft zum Atmen hat, ' bissel=ein bisschen). The older woman replies that she should thank Berlin's mothers since it was them who build this hill, Mont Klamott, from the debris of the destroyed surrounding buildings after WW II (Deutschlands Himmelfahrt = Germany's suicide mission, here the idioty of the “Total War”).
The mothers of Berlin (and other destroyed cities) were the so called Truemmerfrauen = ruins woman, rubbel woman. They cleaned up the dirt of the war and rebuilt with the available resources.
Mont Klamott
Mitten in der City zwischen Staub und Strassenlaerm
Waechst ne gruene Beule aus dem Stadtgedaerm
Dort haengen wir zum Weekend die Lungen in den Wind
Bis ihre schlappen Fluegel so richtig durchgelueftet sind
Neulich sitz ich mit 'ner alten Dame auf der Bank
Wir reden ueber dies und das, da sag ich: Gott sei Dank
Da ist ihnen mal was einfgefallen, den Vaetern dieser Stadt
Dass unsereins 'n bissel frische Luft zum Atmen hat
Mont Klamott - Auf'm Dach von Berlin
Mont Klamott - Sind die Wiesen so gruen
Mont Klamott - Auf'm Dach von Berlin
Die alte Dame laechelt matt:Lass sie ruhn, die Vaeter dieser Stadt
Die sind so tot seit Deutschlands Himmelfahrt...
Die Muetter dieser Stadt hab'n den Berg zusamm'gekarrt
Mont Klamott - Auf'm Dach von Berlin
Mont Klamott - Sind die Wiesen so gruen
Mont Klamott - Auf'm Dach von Berlin
Mont Klamott - Sind die Wiesen so gruen
Text: Werner Karma, Musik & Performance: Silly, 1983, East Berlin