Cognates (from Latin cognatus ‘born together’) are words or phrases that are related. They come naturally from the same root but developed in different directions and changed sometimes their meanings. These so called "False friends" cannot be eliminated with simple rules but merely by memorizing the translations. I introduce in no particular order some excamples.
- German: der Rat = council, advise; Er bittet um Rat. (He asks for advice.)
- English: rat = die Ratte; In vielen Grossstaedten gibt es Ratten. (The video camera is very handy.)
- German: bald = an action which will take place soon; Bald haben wir Urlaub. (We will be on holidays soon.)
- English: bald = kahl, glatzkoepfig; Er wurde frueh kahl. (He became early bald.)
- German: die Allee = a (usually tree-lined) avenue or a boulevard; Wir fahren die Allee entlang. (We travel along the avenue.)
- English: alley = der Durchgang, die Gasse; In dieser Gasse gibt es keine Laternen. (There are no street lights in this alley.)
- German: das Gift = poison; Mit Gift darf man nicht spielen. (You should not play with poison.)
- English: gift = das Geschenk; Sie liebt ihr Geschenk. (She loves her present.)
I will publish more false friends in future blogs.