[caption id="attachment_3885" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
A picknick or a meal in a restaurant, chocolates, flowers and presents - Modern Day Mother's Day.[/caption]Der Muttertag - Mother's Day is a long established tradition to honour and celebrate Mothers and motherhood.  It is celebrated in many countries, especially in the western world on the second Sunday in May.  Modern day Mother's day was initiated by American Anna Marie Jarvis in the early 20th century but the tradition of honouring the Mother as the source for life goes  as far back as to antiquity.Australia and Germany celebrate this day, but by many mothers it is  seen as overly commercialised, in fact these very early commercialisation alarmed the original campaigner Anna Marie Jarvis to such an extent that she tried to have the public holiday abolished by the American parliament.SBS radio has a podcast in German language about mother's day and its roots.