Unesco warnt Australien-Great Barrier Reef in Gefahr this is the title of Sueddeutsche Zeitung about a report by the UNESCO about the reef. The UNESCO, the UN body in charge of protecting world heritage addressed the Australian government and urged them to take immediate action to protect the reef from the gas and mining boom.This article is suitable for VCE students who would like to improve and extend their vocabulary about climate change and the environment. But of course it's interesting for everyone else as well. If you have difficulties understanding some of the terminology please feel free to contact Sibylle at Language Excellence. leo.org and linguee.com are excellent translation tools to help with your understanding as well.
Das groesste Korallenriff der Welt vor Queensland ist durch den Klimawandel bedroht und auch der Urlauberstrom schadet. Nun mahnt die Unesco, nicht noch mehr Kohlehaefen an der Kueste zu bauen. Sonst kommt das Riff auf die Liste der gefaehrdeten Welterbestaetten.
For more reading follow this link: UNESCO warnt Australien